
Максимальный лвл

Автор: DeVil: Дата: 10.21.2009

Везде где можно облазил и изменил лвл с 99 на 254, но не меняется он хоть об угол головой бейся. Помогите плиз:huh:

Автор: DeVil: Дата: 10.21.2009

пользуюсь, просто я ВСЁ перебробывал и результатов никаких =(

Автор: Ma1k: Дата: 10.21.2009

А поконкретней? Где меняли? :)

Автор: DeVil: Дата: 10.21.2009

\src\map(h) а map(c) там нету строчек таких
{ "max_lv",**************************** &battle_config.max_lv,**************************99,**** 0,******127,************},
****{ "aura_lv",****************************&battle_config.aura_lv,************************ 99,**** 0,******INT_MAX,********}

Автор: Ma1k: Дата: 10.21.2009

Цитата DeVil:
а map(c) там нету строчек таких
{ "max_lv",**************************** &battle_config.max_lv,**************************99,**** 0,******127,************},
****{ "aura_lv",****************************&battle_config.aura_lv,************************ 99,**** 0,******INT_MAX,********}
А звёздочки - это Клавиши TAB
Поищи просто :

Думаю не ошибешься..

Автор: DeVil: Дата: 10.21.2009

в том то и дело что искал =(

Автор: DeVil: Дата: 10.21.2009

Джоб левел меняется, но больше 99 не ставится, а базовый остается без изменений.
Помогите плиз люди =\

Автор: Gira: Дата: 10.21.2009

Цитата DeVil;13886:
\src\map(h) а map(c) там нету строчек таких
{ "max_lv",**************************** &battle_config.max_lv,**************************99,**** 0,******127,************},
****{ "aura_lv",****************************&battle_config.aura_lv,************************ 99,**** 0,******INT_MAX,********}

помойму нада искать в battle.c

Автор: unded: Дата: 10.22.2009

Оо я не когда не менял вот тут:

"max_lv",**************************** &battle_config.max_lv,**************************99 ,**** 0,******127,************},
****{ "aura_lv",****************************&battle_conf ig.aura_lv,************************ 99,**** 0,******INT_MAX,********}

я менял тут



#define MAX_LEVEL 99

вот те пример exp.txt

Автор: Мяфк: Дата: 10.22.2009

Про компил не забывай!

Автор: DeVil: Дата: 10.22.2009

вот что у меня пишет
[Status]: Memory manager initialised: log/map-server.exe.leaks

( eAthena Development Team presents )
( ______ __ __ )
( /\ _ \/\ \__/\ \ )
( __\ \ \_\ \ \ ,_\ \ \___ __ ___ __ )
( /'__`\ \ __ \ \ \/\ \ _ `\ /'__`\/' _ `\ /'__`\ )
( /\ __/\ \ \/\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \/\ __//\ \/\ \/\ \_\.\_ )
( \ \____\\ \_\ \_\ \__\\ \_\ \_\ \____\ \_\ \_\ \__/.\_\ )
( \/____/ \/_/\/_/\/__/ \/_/\/_/\/____/\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/ )
( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
( / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ )
( ( e | n | g | l | i | s | h ) ( A | t | h | e | n | a ) )
( \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ )
( )

[Info]: SVN Revision: 'Unknown'.
[Status]: Done loading plugin 'UPnP'
[Info]: Console Silent Setting: 0
[Error]: Using the default user/password s1/p1 is NOT RECOMMENDED.
[Notice]: Please edit your save/account.txt file to create a proper inter-server
user/password (gender 'S')
[Notice]: and then edit your user/password in conf/map_athena.conf (or conf/impo
Not all IP addresses in map_athena.conf configured, autodetecting...
[Info]: Defaulting to as our IP address
[Info]: Map Server IP Address : '' -> ''.
[Info]: Char Server IP Address : '' -> ''.
[Warning]: Value for setting 'max_lv': 254 is invalid (min:0 max:127)! Defaultin
g to 99...
[Notice]: Logging Item Picks to file `log/picklog.log`.txt
[Notice]: Logging GM Level 40 Commands to file `log/atcommandlog.log`.txt
[Status]: Loading maps (using db/map_cache.dat as map cache)...
[Info]: Successfully loaded '699' maps.
[Status]: Done reading packet database from 'packet_db.txt'. Using default packe
t version: 22.
[Status]: Done reading '4558' entries in 'item_db.txt'.
script error on db/item_db2.txt line 72
parse_line: need ';'
* 72 : {bonus bLuk,30; bonus bStr,5'}'
[Status]: Done reading '67' entries in 'item_db2.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'item_group_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '1' entries in 'item_avail.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '11' entries in 'item_noequip.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '405' entries in 'item_trade.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '610' entries in 'db/skill_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '410' entries in 'db/skill_require_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '406' entries in 'db/skill_cast_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '23' entries in 'db/skill_castnodex_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '29' entries in 'db/skill_nocast_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '71' entries in 'db/skill_unit_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '145' entries in 'db/produce_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '136' entries in 'db/create_arrow_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '207' entries in 'db/abra_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '970' entries in 'mob_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'mob_db2.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '0' entries in 'mob_avail.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'mob_branch.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'mob_poring.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'mob_boss.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'mob_pouch.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'mob_skill_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'mob_skill_db2.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'mob_race2_db.txt'.
[Warning]: pc_readdb: Specified max level 254 for job 0 is beyond server's limit
[Warning]: pc_readdb: Specified max level 254 for job 4001 is beyond server's l
imit (99).
[Warning]: pc_readdb: Specified max level 254 for job 4023 is beyond server's l
imit (99).
[Warning]: pc_readdb: Specified max level 120 for job 7 is beyond server's limi
t (99).
[Warning]: pc_readdb: Specified max level 120 for job 23 is beyond server's lim
it (99).
[Warning]: pc_readdb: Specified max level 120 for job 4002 is beyond server's l
imit (99).
[Warning]: pc_readdb: Specified max level 120 for job 24 is beyond server's lim
it (99).
[Warning]: pc_readdb: Specified max level 120 for job 4047 is beyond server's l
imit (99).
[Warning]: pc_readdb: Specified max level 120 for job 4045 is beyond server's l
imit (99).
[Status]: Done reading 'exp.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'skill_tree.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'attr_fix.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'statpoint.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'db/job_db1.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'db/job_db2.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'db/size_fix.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'db/refine_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '34' entries in 'castle_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '15' entries in 'guild_skill_tree.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '38' pets in 'pet_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '8' homunculus in 'db/homunculus_db.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading '99' levels in 'exp_homun.txt'.
[Status]: Done reading 'homun_skill_tree.txt'.
[Info]: Done loading '19156' NPCs:
-'2928' Warps
-'180' Shops
-'7083' Scripts
-'3444' Spawn sets
-'30865' Mobs Cached
-'8729' Mobs Not Cached
[Status]: Event 'OnInit' executed with '691' NPCs.
[Status]: Server is 'ready' and listening on port '5121'.

[Status]: Attempting to connect to Char Server. Please wait.
[Status]: Connecting to
[Status]: Logging in to char server...
[Status]: Successfully logged on to Char Server (Connection: '2').
[Status]: Sending maps to char server...
[Status]: Event 'OnCharIfInit' executed with '0' NPCs.
[Status]: Event 'OnInterIfInit' executed with '0' NPCs.
[Status]: Event 'OnInterIfInitOnce' executed with '31' NPCs.
[Info]: From login-server: receiving information of '1' GM accounts.
[Status]: Map sending complete. Map Server is now online.
[Info]: Received Fame List of '0' characters.
[Info]: GM 'GM Kinetic' logged in. (AID/CID: '2000002/150000', Packet Ver: '22',
IP: '', GM Level '99').
[Info]: Player AID:2000002/CID:150000 logged off.
[Info]: Player AID:2000002/CID:150000 logged off.

Автор: Мяфк: Дата: 10.22.2009

Млин, компиль.

Автор: Tарасик: Дата: 10.27.2009

>>[Info]: SVN Revision: 'Unknown'.
Если да,попробуй скачать другую.
Да фу в сорсах такую оргию поднимать,всё долно быть проще.


max_lv: 99

//Base - Adv Jobs

Автор: Мяфк: Дата: 10.27.2009

Тарасик, на многих еА не меняется без сорсов макс. лвл.

Автор: Tарасик: Дата: 10.27.2009

Пока только 2 знаю=)